„Remaking Globalization must mean that all people can benefit“

Mein Gastbeitrag für das Magazin der Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung


In dem neuen Magazin der Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung – dem BKHS Magazine – trägt die Stiftung die Ideen von Helmut Schmidt als einen der bedeutendsten deutschen Staatsmänner des 20. Jahrhunderts in die Zukunft.

Die aktuelle Ausgabe mit dem Titel „Remaking Globalisation! thematisiert konkrete Ideen für die Neugestaltung der Globalisierung. Seit 2017 bin ich stellvertretendes Mitglied im Kuratorium der BKHS. Daher habe ich mich besonders gefreut, mich mit meinen Gedanken zur Neugestaltung der Globalisierung an dieser Ausgabe zu beteiligen.

Through globalization, we have achieved a lot, such as the significant reduction of extreme poverty. However, it is true that not all have benefited. Therefore, "Remaking globalization" means to me that we must work for a resilient and sustainable globalization based on solidarity.
Development cooperation plays a crucial role. The modern policy we pursue is partnership-based and addresses economic, social and ecological problems. Furthermore, together with partners, we aim to modernize institutions like the World Bank.
"Remaking globalization" must mean that all people can benefit. We will only be able to achieve this if we promote the rights, representation, and resources of women and strengthen diversity. And that is exactly what we are doing through our feminist development policy.
As Chancellor Scholz said, the world is facing a "global Zeitenwende". The rising powers are understandably demanding a greater say. What we must aim for is good and fair cooperation based on common rules. Decoupling and deglobalization are not a viable path.
First, I wish that, in this new era of multipolarity, the international community will put international law and cooperation above zero-sum logic. Second, I wish that we all do what it takes to address the climate crisis. And third, I truly wish that we can make progress in achieving the SDGs!

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